With the ongoing water issues Parys is facing and the water quality drastic determination over the last few weeks we have to understand what our rights are and we as a community have to enforce these rights through the proper channels.
In this article the Human Rights Commission clearly outlines the right for us.
The Water Services Act provides that:
• Everyone has a right of access to basic water supply and sanitation services;
• Every water services institution must take steps to realise these rights;
• Every municipality must plan in its water services development plan to realise these rights.
The complete document can be read here: https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:EU:16355c7d-adbf-43bc-9d89-ed0bf1ec8988?viewer%21megaVerb=group-discover
We are engaging with the MM, Dr Futhuli Mothamaha with regards to this urgent matter and demand that disciplinary actions be taken against managers and employees that do not follow the protocols to ensure healthy water.
This is a criminal act, and we demand appropriate action from the municipality.
Save Ngwathe Team